To find maximum of the numbers under Sliding Window

Get the sliding window size k and print the maximum of the numbers under the sliding window.
Example :
Consider a sliding window of size k equals 3. Let the array be [3,2,7,8,5] the output should print 7 as the first output, then 8. Final output must be [7,8,8]
- If the size is 3 we find the largest among the 3 numbers under the sliding window and increment sliding window by one.
- When the sliding window moved one position, check whether the new item is large than the previous max.
- If greater we will not compare all the items on next iteration. Just compare new item and max.
- Because the other elements will be smaller than max.
- First, find the max of numbers under the sliding window and set the flag as 1.
- Increment the start and end positions of the window.
- If the flag is 1 check whether the new element is larger or equal to the max and set flag 1 if true.
- If the element is small then set the flag as 0.
[code lang=”c”]
using namespace std;
int main()
int n,i,k,arr[10],st,en,j,flag=0,ma;
cout<<"enter window size : ";
//each time increment start and end pt by 1
for(st=0,en=k-1;en<n;st++,en++) //loop till the window reach end(n)
if(flag == 0)
ma= arr[st];
for(j=st;j<=en;j++) // compare all items of window
ma= arr[j];
flag= 1; //need not check all the items next time
cout<<ma<<" ";
if(ma<arr[en]|| ma==arr[en]) //if max is lesser than new element of window
cout<<arr[en]<<" ";
ma = arr[en];
flag=1; //so need not check all items of window next time
flag=0; //check all the items of window next time to find max
cout<<ma<<" " ;
return 0;