Program to Print Corresponding Alphabet for the Given Number

Program to Print Corresponding Alphabet for the Given Number

This program will print the Corresponding Alphabet for the given Number .

Input :

Logic To Print the Alphabets :

  • Get the input number from the user and store it in variable n .
  • By using while loop find the number of alphabets to print by using sum of increasing powers of 26 .
  • We are using 26 because there are only 26 alphabets . which is considered as a 26 digit number system.
  • Now the n variable is subtracted with generated powers of 26 to get the actual alphabet to print .
  • The string variable p is used to store the alphabets to print.
  • n is divided by 26 and the corresponding alphabet for the remainder obtained is stored in p in reverse order .
  • Now the alphabet is obtained and it is Printed .

Program :

[code lang=”c”]
#include<math.h> //for pow() function
using namespace std;
int main()
int n,s=0; //n=input number,s=for comparison
cout<<"Enter the Number : ";
int i=0; //i=finding no of chars to print
i++; //this loop finds no.of chars to print
int del=0;
for(int j=0;j<i;j++)
del=del+(int)pow(26,j); //del=finds the value to be removed from n
n=n-del; //n is reassigned to print particular alphabet in identified no.of digits
string p; //p=stores the alphabets
for(int j=0;j<i;j++)
char c=(char)((n%(26))+65); //finds the char for resultant number
p=c+p; //concatenates the alphabets in reverse order
n=n/26; //each time n is divided by 26
cout<<p<<"\n"; //prints the alphabets
return 0;


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A Programmer who have his programming skills on C,C++, Java and also interested in Android Development. He follows the famous quotes by Linus Torvalds ” Talk is cheap, Show me the code “ .

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