C program to find count of specific character

Write a C program to find count of ‘a’ in String. The String must be generated from the given Substring.
We are given a Substring from which generate a string by repeatedly joining/appending the given substring. In the Example ‘abaabaabaa’ is the string generated from ‘abc’. The limit is 10. Count of ‘a’ is 7. In the next example count of a is 10.
- Create a outer loop and run that for limit times.
- Check the first index of sub-string whether it is ‘a’ or not. Increment count if yes.
- Increment the index and again check. Repeat this until you reach the end of substring.
- After that reset the index of Substring to j=0 and check again.
[code lang=”c”]
int main()
char arr[20];
int i,j=0,l,count=0;
gets(arr); //get Substring
scanf("%d",&l); //Limit
for(i=0;i<l;i++) //Run until the given LIMIT
count++; //increase count
j++; //increment index of substring
else{ //Substring reached end
j=0; //reset index
count++; //increase count
printf("\n%d",count); //count of ‘a’
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