To count the digits in a number using recursion

This program can count the number of digits in a number using recursion.
- Get the input number from the user.
- Pass the number as an argument to the function.
- Then count the number of digits by passing number recursively by removing the last digit.
- At last return the count of the digit.
[code lang=”c”]
void main()
int n;
printf("enter the number:");
/*pass the number into the funtion as an argument*/
printf("total digits in the number is %d",digit(n));
int digit(int n)
int i=0;//value of i initializes to zero for every time
i++;//increments the value when n not equal to zero
/* for every time the value of i becomes 1 because i initializes to zero
then digit funtion runs recursively after the number decrements one digit*/
return i+digit(n/10);//
return 0;//returns when n becomes zero