Medium Sum Set Problem | Hackerearth

Write a Program to find Medium Sum Set. In this problem, we define “set” is a collection of distinct numbers. For two sets A and B, we define their sum set is a set S(A,B)={a+b|a∈A,b∈B}. In other word, set S(A,B) contains all elements which can be represented as sum of an element in A and an element in B. Given two sets A,C, your task is to find set B of positive integers with maximum size such that S(A,B)=C. It is guaranteed that there is unique such set.
Input Format
The first line contains N denoting the number of elements in set A, the following line contains N space-separated integers ai denoting the elements of set A.
The third line contains M denoting the number of elements in set C, the following line contains M space-separated integers ci denoting the elements of set C.
Output Format
Print all elements of B in increasing order in a single line, separated by space.
- Get Set A and Set C from the user.
- Create a loop from 1 to 100 and check each integer when added with elements of Set A produces only the items of elements of Set C.
- For example Sample_2 : k = 4 produces -> k+1 = 5 and k+2 = 6. In this both 5, 6 are elements of Set C.
- So add k = 4 to Set B.
- Repeat the process until finding all possible items.
[code lang=”java”]
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Set;
class Hacker
public static void main(String arp[])
Scanner s = new Scanner(;
int n = s.nextInt(); //Size of Set A
int t,m,temp;
boolean flag = true;
/* sA – set A
* sB – set B
* sC – set C */
Set<Integer> sA,sB,sC;
s1 = new HashSet<Integer>();
s2 = new HashSet<Integer>();
s3 = new HashSet<Integer>();
/*Getting Set A from user*/
for(int i =0; i<n ; i++)
m = s.nextInt(); //Size of Set C
/*Getting Set C from user*/
for(int j =0 ; j<m;j++)
t =s.nextInt();
for(int k =1; k<100;k++)
/*Use Iterator and loop through all elements of Set A*/
for (Iterator<Integer> it = sA.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
t =;
temp = k+t; //Adding k with t(element of Set A)
if(sC.contains(temp)) //If ‘temp’ present in Set C
flag = true; //assign true if ‘k’ can produce element of Set C
{ flag =false;
/*if ‘k’ can produce all the elements of Set C*/
sB.add(k); //Add k to Set B
/*print all items of set B*/
for(Iterator<Integer> it = sB.iterator();it.hasNext();)
System.out.print(" ");
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