Program to Play Tic-Tac-Toe Game

This program will simulate Tic-Tac-Toe game Between two Players .
Output :
Logic to generate the Game :
- Get the Names of the Players for the Symbols O and X .
- If player enters same Name then ask to Reenter the Second Player Name .
- Display the Tic-Tac-Toe board using Print function .
- Alternatively ask the players to Enter the Position to Insert the Symbols for 9 times .
- After 5 iterations check whether a player finishes the Game or not By usingcheckFinish function .
- If a player finishes the Game then change the flag variable finish to 1 and exit the loop .
- Now the loop exits and games is finished .
- If the flag variable is unchanged after 9 iterations then the Game is Tied .
Program :
[code lang=”c”]
using namespace std;
int checkFinish(string C,char P[3][3]); //function for checking the winner
void print(char P[3][3]); //function for printing the board
int main()
string p1,p2,name; //p1,p2=name of players
cout<<"Enter Player Name for Symbol X : ";
cout<<"Enter Player Name for Symbol O : ";
RENAME: //label
if(p1==p2) //if both names are same go to RENAME label
cout<<"Enter Different Player Name for Symbol O : ";
goto RENAME;
cout<<"Player Name for Symbol X : "<<p1;
cout<<"\nPlayer Name for Symbol O : "<<p2;
/*a[][] contains four rows with nine colums
row-1 : matches the input position to char array p
row-2 : row index of char array p
row-3 : column index of char array p
row-4 : used to store flags whether char array p is already have a symbol
int a[4][9]={{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9},{0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2},{0,1,2,0,1,2,0,1,2},{0}};
char p[3][3]={{‘1′,’2′,’3’},{‘4′,’5′,’6’},{‘7′,’8′,’9′}}; //p=tic tic toe symbols
char set; //temp varible to store X and O symbols
int finish=0; //flag vriable to check game is finished or not
print(p); //function call to print the tic-tac-toe board
for(int i=0;i<9&&finish!=1;i++)
REENTER: //label
cout<<"\n"<<p1<<" Enter Position to Insert X : "; //at even numbers play one is to play and symbol is X
cout<<"\n"<<p2<<" Enter Position to Insert O : "; //at odd numbers play two is to play and symbol is O
int pos;
char cpos; //cpos=get the input position from the user as char
pos=cpos-48; //pos=converts char position to integer position
p[(a[1][pos-1])][(a[2][pos-1])]=set; //if input pos is <10 and >0 set the current symbol in tic-tac-toe board
a[3][pos-1]=1; //after inserted the symbol change the flag to 1 to mention it is already having a symbol
cout<<"\nInvalid Position! Re-Enter\n"; //if user enters invalid position of already filled position go to REENTER label
if(i>3) //after 4 iteration we need to start check for winner of the game
finish=checkFinish(name,p); //function call to checkwinner function with current inserted player name and tic-tac-toe array
if(finish==0) //if finish variable is unchanged then game is tied
cout<<"\nGame Tied !";
return 0;
void print(char P[3][3])
for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
for(int j=0;j<3;j++)
cout<<"| "<<P[i][j]<<" ";
int checkFinish(string C,char P[3][3])
for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
if((P[i][0]==P[i][1])&&(P[i][0]==P[i][2])) //checks for horizontal match
cout<<"\n"<<C<<" Won the Game !";
return 1; //return 1 to finish to show that game is finished
if((P[0][i]==P[1][i])&&(P[0][i]==P[2][i])) //checks for vertical match
cout<<"\n"<<C<<" Won the Game !";
return 1; //return 1 to finish to show that game is finished
if((P[0][0]==P[1][1])&&(P[1][1]==P[2][2])) //checks for 1st diagnol match
cout<<"\n"<<C<<" Won the Game !";
return 1; //return 1 to finish to show that game is finished
if((P[2][0]==P[1][1])&&(P[1][1]==P[0][2])) //checks for 2nd diagonal match
cout<<"\n"<<C<<" Won the Game !";
return 1; //return 1 to finish to show that game is finished
return 0;