Binary Search program in python


Binary Search Program Using Python Programming


  • We pass the list, the length of the list and the number to search to a function b_s(binary_search)
  • The start and end position is initially 0 and n-1, where n is the length of the list.
    we calculate middle position using mid = (first+ last)/2 
  • If the number to be searched is equal to the number at the middle position then it is simply returned
    but if its less than the middle number then change last to mid -1 and if its greater than the middle element then first is changed to mid + 1
  • In the next iteration of the while loop, the number is again matched with the new middle element and so on.
  • The while loop is terminated if start becomes greater or equal to end, that simply means that there is nothing left to search. after the while loop terminates on meeting this condition  -1 value is returned to denote that the element was not found.


[code lang=”python”]
Number = input(‘Enter the sorted list of numbers: ‘) #Get the input from the user
Number = Number.split() #split the input
Number = [int(a) for a in Number]
r = int(input(‘Number to search for: ‘)) #Search the number
def b_s(Num, r): #Function Declaration for binary search
first = 0
last = len(Num)
while first < last: #The last variable value is greater than first variable value
mid = (first + last)//2 #add the first and last variable value and divide by 2, that is to find the mid element value
if Number[mid] > r:
last = mid
elif Number[mid] < r:
first = mid + 1
return mid
return -1

s = b_s(Number, r) #store the value to s variable
if s < 0:
print("{} was not found".format(r)) #The element is not found
print("{} was found at index {}".format(r, s)) #The element is found


Sree Hari Sanjeev

The founder of Wisdom Overflow. Software Developer at Zoho Corporation.

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