Mandragora Program | HackerRank

Mandragora Program | HackerRank

Mandragora Program

The evil forest is guarded by vicious Mandragora. Garnet and her pet must make a journey through. She starts with a health point (s) and 0 experience points.

As she encounters each mandragoras, her choices are:

  1. Garnet’s pet eats mandragora i. This increments s by 1 and defeats mandragora.
  2. Garnet’s pet battles mandragora i. This increases p by s*H[i] experience points and defeats mandragora.

Once she defeats a mandragora, it is out of play. Given a list of mandragoras with various health levels, determine the maximum number of experience points she can collect on her journey.

For example, as always, she starts out with s=1 health point and p=0 experience points. Mandragoras have the following health values:h[3,2,5]. For each of the beings, she has two choices, eats or battle. We have the following permutations of choices and outcomes:

Action  s p

e, e, e 4 0

e, e, b 3 15

e, b, b 2 14

b, b, b 1 10

b, b, e 2 10

b, e, e 3 9

b, e, b 2 16

e, b, e 3 6


There are n=3 mandragoras having the following health points: H[3,2,2]. Initially,  s=1 and p=0. The following is an optimal sequence of actions for achieving the maximum number of experience points possible:

  1. Eat the second mandragora (H[2]=2). s is increased from 1 to 2, and p is still 0.
  2. Battle the first mandragora (H[1]=3).  s remains the same, but p increases by  s*H[1]=2*3=6experience points.
  3. Battle the third mandragora (H[3]=2). s remains the same, but p increases by s*H[3]=2*2=4 experience points.

Garnet earns p=6+4=10  experience points.

For further reference Mandragora program


[code lang=”python”]
def mandragora(H): #pass list as parameter
for i in range(0,2**n): #loop generates all combination of binary numbers
b=bin(i) #return binary value for given decimal
b=b[2:] #slice the binary because binary for 1 is 0b1
s=1;p=0;count=0 #s->no of eats p->points
m=n-c #find remaining 0’s
m=b.count("0") #return no of 0’s
for j in b:
if j=="1": #points are found in battles
d=max(d,p) #return maximum of d and p
return d #mandragora function returns highest point

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A Computer Science graduate who likes to make things simpler. When he’s not working, you can find him surfing the web, learning facts, tricks and life hacks. He also enjoys movies in his leisure time.

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