Check for a pair in array which is equal to sum | Infosys

Check for a pair in array which is equal to sum | Infosys

Given an array a[] of n numbers and another number num, check for a pair whether or not there exist two elements in a[] whose sum is exactly num.


  • Get the array elements and num value from the user.
  • Arrange the elements in ascending order.
  • Initialize l as 0 and r as arr_size-1.
  • Then check three conditions to find numbers.
  • If Sum of a[l] and a[r] is equal to num than numbers are found.
  • And Sum of a[l] and a[r] is lesser than num then increments l.
  • The Sum of a[l] and a[r] is greater than num then decrements r.
  • The process continues until l < r.


  • Let us consider input n=7 and a[]={2,3,1,5,4}
  • First of all, arrange the array elements in ascending order {1,2,3,4,5} and assign the l=0 and r=sizeofarray – 1 ie,4
  • Then add a[l] & a[r] and compare with n, now a[0]=1 and a[4]=5 its sum is 6 and less than n then increment l=1
  • Now compare the sum of a[1]=2 & a[4]=5 is 7 is equal to n and print the elements and decrement r=3
  • Now compare the sum of a[1]=2 & a[3]=4 is 6 is less than n and increment l=2
  • Then compare the elements in a[2]=3 & a[3]=5 sum is 7 and sum is equal to n then print the elements and decrement r=3
  • Now both l and r are equal and break from the while loop.

Check for a pair in the array which is equal to the sum:


[code lang=”c”]

void main()
int a[20],num,n,i,j,l,r,temp;
printf("enter the size of array:");
printf("enter the elements:");
printf("Enter the number to find:");
l=0,r=n-1; //initialize the left and right elements
for(i=0;i<n;i++) //sort the elements in ascending order
for(j=i+1;j<n;j++) { if(a[i]>a[j])
if(a[l]+a[r]==num) //prints the numbers when it’s found
printf("Numbers are %d and %d",a[l],a[r]);
else if(a[l]+a[r]<num) //increments the l when num is large
else //decrements the r when num is small
if(i!=0) //print when no elements found
printf("Numbers not found");

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A Computer Science graduate who likes to make things simpler. When he’s not working, you can find him surfing the web, learning facts, tricks and life hacks. He also enjoys movies in his leisure time.

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