Reduce the number to zero | Mitsogo

Reduce the number to zero | Mitsogo

Mitsogo Question:

This mitsogo question is asked in the mitsogo 2nd round interview. To reduce the number to zero by using certain conditions.


  • Check whether the given number is prime or not.
  • If the number is prime then decrement the number by 1.
  • Otherwise, find the greatest prime number(GPN) which replaces the number.
  • Then replace the number by GPN.
  • Repeat the steps until the number became zero and count the number of steps taken.
  • At last, we have the output to reduce the number to zero


  • Let us consider input is 21
  • The given number is not prime, then check the greatest prime number(GPN) which divides 21.
  • And the GPN is 7, then replace 21 by 7 count is 1
  • Now 7 is a prime number then decrement the number to 6 count is 2. Then 6 is not prime.
  • The GPN which divides 6 is 3 then replace it count is 3.
  • Now 3 is a prime number then decrement to 2  and 2 is also a prime then decrement 1 count 5
  • At last, we get zero then print the count is 6


[code lang=”c”]
#include <stdio.h>
int isprime(int n) //Check the number is prime or not
int i;
return 0; //return when the number not prime
return 1;
int greatest_prime(int n) //Find the greatest prime number divide n
int i,j;
j=isprime(i); //check the divided number is prime or not
return i; //return greatest prime number
void main()
int n,i,j=0; //j can count the number of steps taken to convert the number to zero
printf("Enter the number:");
if(i==1) //If the number is prime then decrement the number by 1
else //not prime number
n=i; //simplify number by replacing greatest prime number

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visit: Mitsogo 

Interview Process:

1.aptutude test,2.logical reasoning,3.coding+essay writing
4.technical interview, all these rounds are elimination rounds, followed by 3 hr rounds.

Interview overview:

  • The aptitude round contains  60 questions with multiple choice.
  • Each wrong question carries a negative mark as well.
  • The logical round  contains 2 problems  which medium-difficult
  • HR round contains questions like tell me about your project? what is your favorite subject etc,


A Computer Science graduate who likes to make things simpler. When he’s not working, you can find him surfing the web, learning facts, tricks and life hacks. He also enjoys movies in his leisure time.

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