Reduce the number to zero | Mitsogo

Mitsogo Question:
This mitsogo question is asked in the mitsogo 2nd round interview. To reduce the number to zero by using certain conditions.
- Check whether the given number is prime or not.
- If the number is prime then decrement the number by 1.
- Otherwise, find the greatest prime number(GPN) which replaces the number.
- Then replace the number by GPN.
- Repeat the steps until the number became zero and count the number of steps taken.
- At last, we have the output to reduce the number to zero
- Let us consider input is 21
- The given number is not prime, then check the greatest prime number(GPN) which divides 21.
- And the GPN is 7, then replace 21 by 7 count is 1
- Now 7 is a prime number then decrement the number to 6 count is 2. Then 6 is not prime.
- The GPN which divides 6 is 3 then replace it count is 3.
- Now 3 is a prime number then decrement to 2 and 2 is also a prime then decrement 1 count 5
- At last, we get zero then print the count is 6
[code lang=”c”]
#include <stdio.h>
int isprime(int n) //Check the number is prime or not
int i;
return 0; //return when the number not prime
return 1;
int greatest_prime(int n) //Find the greatest prime number divide n
int i,j;
j=isprime(i); //check the divided number is prime or not
return i; //return greatest prime number
void main()
int n,i,j=0; //j can count the number of steps taken to convert the number to zero
printf("Enter the number:");
if(i==1) //If the number is prime then decrement the number by 1
else //not prime number
n=i; //simplify number by replacing greatest prime number
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visit: Mitsogo
Interview Process:
1.aptutude test,2.logical reasoning,3.coding+essay writing
4.technical interview, all these rounds are elimination rounds, followed by 3 hr rounds.
Interview overview:
- The aptitude round contains 60 questions with multiple choice.
- Each wrong question carries a negative mark as well.
- The logical round contains 2 problems which medium-difficult
- HR round contains questions like tell me about your project? what is your favorite subject etc,