Clean Code | Book Review

Clean Code | Book Review

Clean Code Book Review

I have completed reading the Clean Code Book. I’m here to share my thoughts about this book. It’s yet another gem of a book for the programming world. There are no doubts about that. While reading this i have learned lot of new things and realized my past mistakes. So now let me list the reasons why you should read this,

  1. Each section contains a bad code followed by good/clean code. I think this the most practical way of explaining.
  2. Authors give many examples that are relatable to both beginner and a domain expert.

There is one chapter called ‘Successive Refinement’ in which the author first writes a code that works and then make small improvements until it changes into clean and reusable code. That chapter is my favorite. If you are just starting your career, then you should definitely read this book. By reading this you can avoid many problems which you otherwise might learn hard way ( after getting scolded by the manager ). I wish that I should read this during my college days. Better late than never.  I’m sure you surely have enough time to read this book.

Just reading one book related to your career domain, sets you apart from the crowd. Write good and clean code is not a burden. It will save you hours of debugging time. There is another book in must-read list which is CODE COMPLETE. When comparing both Code Complete contains more general practices and some insightful thoughts about the programming. But Clean Code dives deep in explaining small details elaborately. Both are worth reading.

Next, I have planned to read “Don’t make me think”. If you wish you can read my full summary of CLEAN CODE given below:

Clean Code | Full Summary


Sree Hari Sanjeev

The founder of Wisdom Overflow. Software Developer at Zoho Corporation.

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