Squares of a Sorted Array

Squares of a Sorted Array


Given an integer array nums sorted in increasing order, find the squares of sorted array. Square the each number in input array and return them in sorted order.


  • 1 <= nums.length <= 104
  • -104 <= nums[i] <= 104
  • nums is sorted in increasing order.

Example 1:

Input: nums = [1,4,5,10]

Output: [1,16,25,100]

Explanation: After squaring the each number (1*1 = 1, 4*4 = 16 and so on) numbers are in increasing order.

By looking at the example you can say that, since the input is sorted ,we can square the numbers from the start to end. But the catch is, input can contain negative number. So this approach doesn’t work. Look at the below example.

Example 2:

Input: nums = [-4,-1,0,3,10]

Output: [0,1,9,16,100]


One approach is squaring each number and sorting the array. For Example, Input:[-4,-1,0,3,10] After squaring, the array becomes [16,1,0,9,100].
After sorting, it becomes [0,1,9,16,100]. The time complexity of this solution is O(n+n*logn). O(n) for squaring each number and O(n*logn) for sorting numbers.
O(n) + O(n*logn) = O(n+nlogn)

Interviewer might ask you to solve the question in O(n). Is there any effecient way to solve in O(n) time complexity? Yes.

Two Pointers Approach:

We need to use the concept of Two Pointers to find the squares of sorted array. What is Two Pointer? In Two Pointers technique, we maintain two pointers to the array. Each pointer moves in different direction.In the input, we have both negative and positive numbers, so we maintain one pointer for negative side and another one for positive side.

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:


Step 5:

Step 6:

Squares of Sorted Array Logic:

  1. First find the first positive number in the sorted array.
  2. Place the right/positive ptr at that position and left/negative ptr one step behind.
  3. Square both left ptr number and right ptr number.
  4. Compare the squared numbers.
  5.  Move the left ptr if the square of the elment is smaller than square of element in right ptr. If not move the right ptr.
  6. Repeat the same till we cover all the elements of array.

[code lang=”java”]

class Solution {
public int[] sortedSquares(int[] nums)
int[] result = new int[nums.length];
int firstPositive = nums.length-1;

// Traversing array to find first postive
for(int i =0; i<nums.length; i++)
firstPositive = i;
int rightPtr = firstPositive;
int leftPtr = firstPositive -1;
for(int i=0; i<nums.length; i++)
//Both left ptr and right ptr should be withing array range
if(leftPtr >=0 && rightPtr < nums.length)
int leftsq = nums[leftPtr]*nums[leftPtr];
int rightsq = nums[rightPtr]*nums[rightPtr];

result[i] = leftsq;
result[i] = rightsq;
// Left pointer reached end, so adding elements from right ptr
else if(rightPtr < nums.length)
result[i] = nums[rightPtr] * nums[rightPtr];
//Right pointer reached end, so adding elements from left ptr
else if(leftPtr >=0)
result[i] = nums[leftPtr] * nums[leftPtr];

return result;


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Thanks for reading 🙂 Share your thoughts in comments.


Sree Hari Sanjeev

The founder of Wisdom Overflow. Software Developer at Zoho Corporation.

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