Sort the Matrix Diagonally

Given a matrix, sort the matrix diagonally. A matrix diagonal is a diagonal line of cells starting from some cell in either the topmost row or leftmost column and going in the bottom-right direction until reaching the matrix’s end. For example, the matrix diagonal starting from mat[2][0], where mat is a 6 x 3 matrix, includes cells mat[2][0], mat[3][1], and mat[4][2].
Given an m x n matrix mat of integers, sort each matrix diagonal in ascending order and return the resulting matrix.
Example 1:
Input: mat = [[3,3,1,1],[2,2,1,2],[1,1,1,2]] Output: [[1,1,1,1],[1,2,2,2],[1,2,3,3]]
Example 2:
Input: mat = [[11,25,66,1,69,7],[23,55,17,45,15,52],[75,31,36,44,58,8],[22,27,33,25,68,4],[84,28,14,11,5,50]] Output: [[5,17,4,1,52,7],[11,11,25,45,8,69],[14,23,25,44,58,15],[22,27,31,36,50,66],[84,28,75,33,55,68]]
Sort Matrix Approach:
- We have to sort the matrix diagonally. For that find the starting point for all the diagonals.
- All the first row cells([0][0], [0][1], [0][2] ) and first column cells ([0][0], [1][0], [2][0] ) are the starting point of diagonals.
- You can see that the first row cells have the same row index and the first column cells have the same column index.
- After finding a starting point for a diagonal, use bubble sort to sort the elements in that diagonal.
[code lang=”java”]
class Solution {
public int[][] diagonalSort(int[][] mat)
//rowwise start
//x axis increase y axis decrease from starting point
int row = mat.length;
return mat;
int col = mat[0].length;
//find all starting point in first column
for(int k = 0; k<row; k++)
int x = k;
int y = 0; //column index fixed
int ele = mat[x][0];
bubblesort(mat, x,y,row,col);
//find all the starting points in first row
for(int l = 1; l<col; l++)
int y = l;
int x = 0; // row index fixed
return mat;
void bubblesort(int[][] mat, int x,int y, int row, int col)
for(int r1=x, c1=y; r1<row && c1<col; r1++,c1++)
for(int r2=r1+1, c2=c1+1; r2<row && c2<col; r2++,c2++)
///move smallest element to front
if(mat[r1][c1] > mat[r2][c2])
int temp = mat[r1][c1];
mat[r1][c1] = mat[r2][c2];
mat[r2][c2] = temp;
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