Kotak Interview Experience | 2022

This is Kotak Interview experience for Software developer role for experienced java devs. Kotak  is an Indian banking and financial services company

Round 1

This is a technical round with questions on Java, multi threading concepts.

  1. What is dependency injections?
  2. What is Object and class?
  3. Explain the internal working of JVM and components involved?
  4. Can we use streams with only collectors?
  5. Which datatype can be used for storing passwords in java? Why can’t use string?
  6. Use of StringPool.
  7. Explain the SOLID principle.
  8. How to create custom checked exception
  9. Diff b/w Comparator vs Comparable
  10. When is class loaded
  11. Diff b/w notify and notify all
  12. Use of Data & Time API in Java? Why introduced in Java8?
  13. DeadLock real life example?
  14. What is DBMS anomalies?

Round 2

This is technical + managerial round.

  1. What is topological sorting?
  2. What is functional interface?
  3. Diff b/w RDBMS vs NoSQL
  4. Explain HashMap Internal Working
  5. Have u used spring boot?
  6. Used java 17? If not why?
  7. Ready to work in any language other than Java?

You can also submit your interview experience by here.

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Sree Hari Sanjeev

The founder of Wisdom Overflow. Software Developer at Zoho Corporation.

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