M2P Fintech Interview Experience | 2022
This is my M2P Fintech Interview Experience for the role of Software Developer. M2P fintech is an API infrastructure company which connects banks and fintech companies.
Round 1
- What are Interfaces in java 8? Difference between abstract class and Interface?
- TreeMap implements which interface?
- Difference between Abstraction vs Encapsulation?
- How to create custom Runtime Exception?
- Difference between ArrayList vs LinkedList? Which is the best for retrieval?
- What is deadlock? Have you faced any in your project?
- Write a program to sort the list of employee objects by salary. If two employee have same salary sort by name. Solved using Comparator and Collections sort. Solution
- Write a program to find the largest word in a sentence. Avoid specials characters while calculating word length.
- What is overloading? which method will be call in below code?
[code lange=”java”]
class A
public static void main(String[] arg) throws Exception
Integer num = 10;
static void overload(int n)
static void overload(Integer n)
System.out.println("Non Primitve");
Round 2
- Why String is immutable? What is String pool
- Write SQL to get the Employee with third largest salary. Employee table contains Name and Salary columns.
- Write program to check if two strings are anagrams.
- Write a program to group the anagrams together. Leetcode link
- How many singleton objects can be created in multicore processor?
- What is Tightly coupled vs Loosely coupled?
- Internal Implementation of HashMap
- What is garbage collection? How to initiate garbage collection?
- What is parallel Streams in Java 8?
Round 3
Had a call with HR regarding the package expectation and other benefits involved. This is the overral M2P fintech Interview Experience
Result : Selected