Reverse the sentence using recursion
Write a program to reverse the sentence using recursion. Get the sentence from the user.
- To Reverse the sentence, we are going to recursively call until we reach the last word.
- Print the last word and return back to the previous word and repeat the same process.
- Starting and ending index is marked for each word.
- For each word, we mark start(st) and end(en) index.
- We iterate through each character in a word and if word finished, recursively call next word.
- When we reach the last word in sentence (‘/0’ null character) print the word.
- Print word and return control to the previous word.
[code lang=”c”]
void recurse()
void main()
char arr[]={"welcome to wisdom overflow"};
recurse(arr,0); //call
void recurse(char a[],int n)
int st = n; // starting index
int i;
int en = st; // ending index
if(a[en] ==’\0’)
break; // base condition
else if(a[en] ==’ ‘)
recurse(a,en+1); //recursive call if word ended
en++; // incrementing index if it is character
for( i =st;i<=en;i++)
printf("%c",a[i]); // printing the word