Sree Hari Sanjeev
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Sree Hari Sanjeev
Data Structure
C Program to create AVL Tree | 4 types of rotation
Program for Breadth First Search of Graph | Amazon
Operations on Min Heap | Walmart | Synopsys
Merge Two Sorted List | Microsoft | Samsung
Program to add two numbers represented as List
Insert a node at a specific position in LinkedList
To find nth to last element of a Singly LinkedList
C program to find Height of Binary Tree | Amazon
Kth Largest and Smallest in Binary Search Tree | Part2
C program to create a Binary Search Tree | Part1
Check if Linked List is Palindrome | Amazon
Find the middle element in linked list | Microsoft
Most Frequently asked interview questions
Rat in a Maze puzzle | Backtracking
Find max amount railway station can earn | LinkedIN
Print the Maximum possible K digit number
C program to find Pangrams | HackerRank
Employee management using File in C
Exit Point in a Matrix | Samsung
Program to print array in Pendulum arrangement
1[0]1 Pattern Count | Samsung
Triplet Sum in Array | Amazon | Samsung
To find all palindrome sub-strings using java
C program for String Reversal | Samsung
Medium Sum Set Problem | Hackerearth
Large Sub-Arrays | Hackerearth
New Year Chaos | HackerRank
C program to find count of specific character
C program to find GCD of two numbers
C program to find LCM of two numbers
Mini Cash Counter Application program in C
Find frequency of characters using Hashmap
Smallest alphabet greater than given character
Convert the string so it holds only distinct characters
To find maximum of the numbers under Sliding Window
Program to find all the substring using java
To find whether the next element is bigger
Program to print the mismatched characters
Find duplicate word in sentence using java
Program to print dynamic star pattern
Merge two sorted array without duplicates
Program to remove zero and perform operation
Find number of votes of winning candidate
Sort the array based on position without extra space
Reverse the sentence without changing punctuation
Program to find Square number between the range
Sorting the date in ascending order in java
Binary and decimal conversion in java
Reverse the sentence using recursion
Find number of characters on paper
To find new friends in social network program