To find new friends in social network program

This is a Social Network Program. Given a friend’s name and list of her friends, find new friends and skip mutual friends. Input and output should be like one mentioned below.
Social Network Progam:
- Social network program finds the people who have mutual friends like Facebook.
- The first line determines the number of current friends.
- In the second line, “mani” is current friend name followed by the count of mani’s friend(3). After that “Ram raj guna” are mani’s friends.
- Same applies for the following next two line (strings).
- Add the mutual friend’s name to friends list if not present already.
- Create Set and add the current friends’ name.
- Check each string in line and skip if it is number
- If it is a character string add that to set.
- If the adding operation is successful, print the friend name.
[code lang=”java”]
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Set;
public class Wisdom {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
int in,i;
char c;
String str[] = new String[10];
String a[][] = new String[10][10];
Set<String> frd = new HashSet();
System.out.print("enter no. of input");
in =sc.nextInt();
sc.nextLine(); // whenever nextLine() is used after nextInt() add this to consume the ‘enter’
str[i] = sc.nextLine(); //input line like’Mani 3 Ram Raj Guna’
a[i]= str[i].split("\\s+"); //splitting the input line to seperate strings
frd.add(a[i][0]); // finding the first element in the i’th row of two dimensional string
int j,n=a[i].length;
c = a[i][j].charAt(0); // first letter of string
if(Character.isLetter(c)) // whether character
if(frd.add(a[i][j])) // returns true if the element is not already present in set
System.out.print(a[i][j]+" ");
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Ref: Facebook