My Zoho Interview Experience | 2019

My Zoho Interview Experience | 2019


Hi Friends, I am here to share my On-Campus Zoho Interview Experience, August 2019. There were 5 rounds.  Zoho Corporation is an Indian software development company. The focus of Zoho Corporation lies in web-based business tools and information technology, including an office tools suite.

1st Round

In the first round, they asked 10 output questions and 10 aptitude questions. Total time given is 75 minutes. Aptitude questions were pretty easy.

2nd Round

They asked 4 programming questions in this round.

  1. To print snake pattern using only two loop
  2. To get the sum with the minimum number of count using “Binary-Decimal” numbers (Ex: 11, 10, 101,111..)

The logic to this question is to divide the largest possible 10 mulitple number (10, 100, 1000) and add the reminders to them. Ex: 32 can be divided into 10,10,10 now we are left with 2. So add 1 and 1 into them so we get 11, 11, 10.

3. Program to find whether the given matrix is Upper triangular or Lower triangular.

4. Program to perform operations in given string. (Note: Operator precedence is not considered)

Input: “123+*”

Output: 9


res = 1+2

res = res*3

3rd Round

In this round, we were asked to design an Invoice System. For example, when a customer buy some products from the store and invoice (or) bill is generated for the purchased products. Bill details include customer name, Invoice id, date, product price, total cost, discount, etc.

We are four tasks in this,

  1. Design the system (they must agree with the design before you can proceed)
  2. Print Total number of invoices and the total amount spent, given the customer name or phone number.
  3. A total number of invoices in the system.
  4. Given invoice reference number, print complete invoice.

After this, I attend two hr interview in which I had questions from my project, family background , etc.

Finally, I got Selected 🙂

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Zoho Corporation

Sree Hari Sanjeev

The founder of Wisdom Overflow. Software Developer at Zoho Corporation.

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